The Odd Wife

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Odd Things...

Okay, okay. I am in need of some levity while I, of course I read the news. And today is a humdinger of fun (so I had to share...)

Bomb Scare Over Plastic Penis (Only in Florida. I am a native Floridian, I'm allowed to say this)

The thing that shocked me about this story was that it did not happen to me...

Granny 911...(the picture is as funny as the story).

Man cuts off and EATS his own penis...(so many jokes, so little time - but here's a few quick shots: "About time a man had to stick that thing in his own mouth." "According to the story, this was related to an erectile dysfunction issue - was this supposed to HELP???"

Phallic Logo Awards

Holy crap...skip the story and just focus on the picture. Looks guilty to me!

Posted by Red :: 2:44 PM :: |
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