Thursday, January 19, 2006
Nowhere to go but up, I suppose.
Still no word on the job, after a stellar 2nd interview. The word is that it looks very optimistic for me, but the lack of an offer days later has me concerned (and broke!).
I'm recovering from a night out with PC, my sister and her fiancee. We hung out at Blue Martini in West Palm Beach and I drank martinis. I don't usually like martinis, but the Raspberry Sweet Tart they served me was especially delicious and damned if that drink didn't sneak up on me. I was fine one moment and 3 later I realized I was loaded. By the time I got home I was in pain and by the time I was in bed I was in agony. A night of excruciating head pain and vomiting. I thought I was a dead woman. On the bright side, PC has now been exposed to the symphonic sounds of my retching and purports to still love me.
I'm floundering a bit without the job offer I was counting on...today I may actually have to spend the day cleaning. God help me.
Posted by Red ::
7:59 AM ::
