The Odd Wife

Friday, April 01, 2005

Please comment...

Hi guys,

Please take 30 seconds to do this. Do it for me, for your wife, mother, best friend, sister, etc. Please. I am the daughter of a breast cancer survivor and the granddaughter of a breast cancer victim. I am the niece of cancer survivors. I fully expect to experience it myself someday.

This blog is the story of a man's love and loss of his wife to breast cancer one year ago today. The entire story is told in posts from beginning to end. I have tears pouring down my face. There is a comment-athon at this blog to raise money for breast cancer and I beg you to comment there and help the cause. Not only comment, but please, please share the link on your own blog and spread the word.

Odd Wife

Posted by Red :: 2:34 PM :: |
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