The Odd Wife

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Too Much of a Good Thing?

I'm a glutton by nature. If I have a good thing, I want more, more, more until I exhaust the resources. Favorite book? I will reread it until the pages turn to yellow dust in my hands. Favorite song? I will replay the damned thing a million times. Favorite movie? I am not content to just watch it...I must watch it over and over until I can recite the dialogue, then discuss it to death and research the making of the film and the bios of every actor/actress.

I am obsessive about things that I like. TEH (The Even Husband) calls it "passionate".

And then there is sex.

As you know, I enjoy sex. I enjoy every aspect of it from the first kiss to the after-glow to the pillow talk. I am not content to just have sex. I must have it all the time, in new ways and places, and then discuss it and think about it over and over. There is no such thing as "in the mood" for me. If I am breathing, I am in the mood.

TEH is much more relaxed about sex. He'll take it when it comes along, but he doesn't get antsy needing sex. If I took a sexual hiatus for a month or two, he'd very likely squeeze in some more reading and consider it a holiday. He's never been a person to focus on sex.

This bothers me. Part of the sexual experience for me is the need. And the need is best experienced by both partners. His "need" would enhance my part of the experience, get it?

We all know, thanks to my bitching yesterday, that I am in the "ladies days" end of the month. So, for me - at least right now - intercourse would be less than desirable...but that doesn't mean sex is out. Sex can incorporate anything remotely sexual. I'm more than happy to take very, very good care of my man during this time in other ways...and while it's very one-sided, I still "get off" on the mental side of the situation.

Now, I don't want to be this aggressive obsessive tramp of a wife. I'm not about to corner TEH in the bedroom and demand that he let me pleasure him. I'm never really sure if he's secretly relieved to have "a week off" or if he wants attention.

All I'm saying is, make it clear!

I have to admit...I often wonder if he would show more enthusiasm and need if I backed off a bit. Maybe it's just too readily available to appreciate? But, then again...self-control has never been my strong point...

Posted by Red :: 8:54 AM :: |
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