The Odd Wife

Friday, November 12, 2004

Attention Whore...

I'm needing something today. I just don't know what, but I know what it would feel like...romantic attention, maybe?

Now, don't get me wrong. My husband loves me. Before I leave the house for work, he gives me a rose he cuts from my rose garden (that he grows for me) and he's nothing but kind and wonderful to me.

So, how on earth could I want more?

But I do.

I can't explain it. I just want to feel like he's over the moon for me. He would assure me seven ways til Sunday that he is - so what the fuck is wrong with me???

I'm such an attention whore. I crave the weirdest things. I would give anything for a phone call out of the blue - (which he does!) - to say "Babe...I was just thinking about you and needed to tell you that I love you." Nothing more. Now, he does call - but it's always to see how I'm doing. I know, I know - same thing, right?

I must be PMSing...

I have to interject that we have experienced and survived a handful of incredibly dramatic marriage-threatening issues this year. In fact, it's amazing that we overcame some of these...maybe I'm still in recovery and needing reassurance.

At least I can admit it's all me. Being a woman can be so confusing sometimes. But at least we can touch breasts anytime we want.

Posted by Red :: 9:21 AM :: |
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