The Odd Wife

Thursday, November 11, 2004

Who we Are & Who we Look like...

An interesting comment (thanks, Anonymous!) sparked up my thoughts under the post I did on The Good Wife's ass.

It's made me think...

For those too lazy to click, Anonymous questioned if the photo was real. I wondered if it mattered.

The photo is of a perfect and exceptionally sexy ass. Would any reader of The Good Wife dare to suggest she was anything short of very sexy? So, real or not - in a sense, the photo fits.

Anonymous counters that people should just be real.

Now, the only reason I have not posted photos of my own (and I love sharing pictures) is that I have temporarily shut off my home DSL and I post from work - on a network. When this changes, (when I finish buying my new home!), I'll gladly share pictures - including those of myself.

For curious minds, I am 5'6 and have bright red hair. Chemically enhanced, but still red. It's naturally curly and falls to just below my shoulders. My eyes are green with gold in them (hazel?) and my skin is fair. I have a beauty mark to the left of my lips a la Cindy Crawford. I'm known for always smiling and laughing and people say I have a beautiful smile. If and when I do post my picture there will be those who find me attractive and those who feel I am not their type.

Online, you get a sense of who a person is before judging them based on looks. This is unique for me because I have found that those who are initially attracted to me based on looks lose interest when they know me better while those who wouldn't look twice at me physically tend to develop crushes and attractions as they do get to know me.

This topic came up last night as Hubby and I watched America's Next Top Model on tv. They did a red carpet runway challenge and I found it very funny to do my own version around the living room. Hubby and I agreed I couldn't do a red carpet diva thing because I have too much fun laughing and waving wildly as opposed to the bored and snotty look the models try to adapt. Meanwhile, I make silly faces, giggle, wave, pose exaggeratedly and have fun. I assured Hubby that I could never be model-material and the topic of my looks came up. I don't know if I am pretty or not. I've been told I am, but the word "pretty" just doesn't sound like me. If I had to describe myself, I would say "Sexy". I've been told I ooze raw sex appeal (my favorite all time compliment).

So, if the majority of people I meet develop fixations, attractions and crushes as they grow to know me then my looks would not be a fair judge of me, would they? It doesn't make me ugly, but it does mean my personality has a large effect on how I am perceived.

Confusing, isn't it?

In my hey-days, I have dated male models (dumb-as-a-rock, I swear to God) and some seriously ugly men (who had the BEST personalities). My Hubby is what I consider a mega-hunk (lucky for me!) and his personality compliments me perfectly. We "fit".

But I would have been in love even if he was a hairy dwarf with a hunchback and hairlip...

Posted by Red :: 2:41 PM :: |
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