The Odd Wife

Tuesday, November 09, 2004

I am ODD WIFE, Hear me roar....

All better. I'm coming out of my quiet place. The problem that worried me so much has worked itself out, almost to perfection.

So, where was I...?

Boy, you ever want to make your hits counter spin like a hot roulette wheel in Vegas just post something about The Good Wife's ass. Sheesh.

Something in the comments at her site made me pause and think. A commenter drew a comparison that I was trying to be like her twin and I posted a balking reply saying that I am in no way like the Good Wife. She has her act together and I do not. The Good Wife, ever the darling that she is, responded not to be too hard on myself.

The truth is, I'm not being hard on myself. (I am starting to like repeating the word "hard" though...) I am entirely confident in my ability to goof up, slip, stumble, make a mess out of something simple and draw hysterical laughter at my own expense. It's not a lack of's not a lack of confidence. It's who I am. Think about it - would Lucy Ricardo be Lucy Ricardo if she wasn't always doing something utterly insane? It's what makes me me. I may be red-faced when it happens, but I love looking back and laughing later in any case. I wouldn't change for anything. I like the eccentric and silly side of me.

I'm the grown woman who jumps on stage at a dance club because they play Abba's Dancing Queen. I am the wife who subjects her husband to constantly raised eyebrows by the impromptu press conferences that occur in our living room everytime I do something and get noticed (nothing criminal, I swear). I am the redhead who cries at parades, thinks 70's disco doesn't suck, and is equally comfortable fitting in at a Jimmy Buffet concert, an Elton John concert, a Metallica concert, a Morrissey concert, an Enya concert, etc. I carry a purse shaped like an ass in jeans - and when that one gets boring I switch it for the purse shaped like a coconut or a bustier.

So, don't think I am mimicking anyone.
I know who I am. I am The Odd Wife...and damned proud to be.

(Bet you wish I was still in my quiet place, huh?)

Posted by Red :: 1:10 PM :: |
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