The Odd Wife

Monday, November 15, 2004

Bitchy, bitchy, bitchy....


Yep. That sums it up. "Ugh."

In other words, it's that time of the month. A special time when I become grouchy, irritable, tired, crampy and generally bitchy. This is how my morning has begun. I wake up and see the sun peeking through the grey morning clouds, feel the cool breeze of fall through my window and think to myself, "Fuck. It's morning."

When a bird began to sing, I mentally congratulated myself on not throwing my 30 lb cat at it.

Hubby drove me to work today so he could borrow my car. I had to insist at a stop at the store on the way for supplies to make myself comfortable. I knew the day was on a downslide already when I could not locate Midol in the aisles or anything comparable. I was snarling and nearly swatted a shelf full of over-the-counter medication half-way across the store like an angry gorilla before Hubby came around the corner of the aisle and rescued me. He also found the Midol which he handed to me gently before backing away slowly. No sudden movements around me.

I purchased a package of huge frosted sugar cookies. When Hubby raised an eyebrow, I just said "Breakfast" and he was wise enough not to even let the tiniest hint of a smirk slip out. That's a smart guy I married...he'll get to keep most of his appendages tonight.

Meanwhile, I'm just a grouch. I'm generally very non-confrontational and today I'm not taking any crap from my co-workers. I suspect they're all checking their calendars and making a note to add 28 days to this date and call in sick that day.


I just wanted to stay home, curl up in Hubby's lap and read for the day.

Posted by Red :: 1:48 PM :: |
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