The Odd Wife

Friday, November 19, 2004

A Much Lighter Shade of Blue

It's better today. Not super-terrific as a Friday should be, but better.

But, of course, before it gets better - it has to get worse, right? So, in proper order we had ourselves a good old fashioned marital spat last night. It began as a conversation, digressed into a battle and ended in exhausted tears (me) and surrender (him).

In the long run, I don't know if we solved anything or if we both just gave up from exhaustion, but somehow we feel better. Maybe it was just all things that needed to be said and had been bottled up too long.

Big Odd hugs go out to my emailers and commenters. I didn't respond much, because, well - I was in a truly bitchy mood - but I did read them all and every one of them helped.

I love my blog community. I love reading your blogs and I love seeing you pass through mine.

Since I bitched about TEH yesterday, it's only fair to tell you that while he does have things that make me insanely crazy - he's also one hell of a husband.

There have been mistakes made, but let me take a moment to share the good sides with you.

Waking up beside him on a weekend when we don't have to jump up and run...he draws me into his arms and snuggles into me for those last semi-waking moments of dozing.

He buys, tends and cares for rose bushes for me because he knows I love them. Nearly every morning, I am handed a single rose he has snipped for me (and one for our daughter too).

He gives me the benefit of the I have to share an anecdote that perfectly illustrates why I love this man...

Many years ago, when our daughter was a toddler and I worked from home, we lived in a pig stye. Neither of us are the most ambitious at housework and we're always so busy that we are always living in a mess. The kind of mess where you panic at the idea of an unexpected visitor. I hate living that way, but we haven't solved that problem yet. Anyway...I took it upon myself to "pull a fast one". I called a maid from a flyer I found on the door and hired her company to come in every other week and really clean. This was done without TEH's knowledge and the work was done while he was at work. He would come home to a DAZZLING and SPARKLING house and I would promptly swipe at my brow and collapse on the couch proclaiming how exhausted I was from cleaning so hard. He would rub my back, offer to fix dinner and shower me with praise and compliments while he insisted I rest. This went on for several months before money got tight and I had to end the service. Of course it was no time at all before the house was a mess again. One day, TEH finally asked why I wasn't keeping the house up like I had been. I winced, ashamed and admitted to the whole cleaning caper. He just smiled and said, "I know". Apparently the day I had hired this woman, I left a moment later to run to the store and the bitch called back to ask for directions and spoke to him. He knew the entire time and let me get away with it.

TEH is a prize. Like any person, there are problems - but it's worth it. The good outweighs any tiny flaws...

Posted by Red :: 8:33 AM :: |
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