The Odd Wife

Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Too Odd to be Good

I just scooped my daily dose of The Good Wife and loved the post du jour.

I can completely identify with the feeling and topic, but I had to chuckle to myself over the differences...

Her writing in this post is so fluid and romantic. Ending on a note guaranteed to make a woman smile. I had to reflect back to my own blissful encounters and laugh at the contrast.

There's a great deal of laughter in our home. TEH has a wicked sense of humor and I am plain silly.

In our home, when I find Hubby's attention wavering between my conversation and the television, I often will yank my shirt and bra up and expose my breasts to him. Then, knowing I now have his undivided attention, I will continue my conversation.

On occasion, if it seems appropriate, I will cup a breast and have it "speak" to him. You can't beat a man's expression in the face of a talking bare breast.

He's right about the plopping naked in his lap. I do that. If we're alone and I'm hoping for some early fun before bed, I will strip down to a smile and walk up to where he sits watching tv and straddle his lap with a huge grin and say "Hi!". I can usually be assured that once he stops chuckling, he'll put his hands on me and we can take it from there.

Often on the couch, or in bed, I reach over absently and stroke him through his boxers, pants, whatever without even realizing I am doing it. Eventually, when I move my hand back - he'll place it back on him and I know we're in for a good time.

But, in those cases, I am clearly the "initiator".

The post by Good Wife perfectly illustrates a lovely seduction where her husband expressed great desire for her. That's what I've been asking for - I know he's agreeable to sex, I want to see him want/need it!

Now, it's true...I'm always in "go" mode and seducing him at every turn, so I pre-empt any attempt he might make. My question was, if I stopped that...would it result in the desired result or would it result in far less sex?

TEH's post sounded suspiciously like a challenge, didn't it?

I wonder...

For the record, I have not attacked him since Friday night. So, I'm on day 5 of behaving like a good girl...

Posted by Red :: 11:11 AM :: |
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