The Odd Wife

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Odd News from Odd Wife

Truly disgusting displays of spoiled, stupid morons with far too much money:

Britney never fails to make me smack my head and go "ugh!", and this is no exception. The only thing that could make her more annoying is if she had one of those tiny, hairless, rats on a leash that she carried like an accessory. And of course fed it $180 steaks...or the smell of her feet.

If it's the thought that counts, don't bother buying for Posh and Beck who are far too important to unwrap their own gifts.

Love's Oddities

Probably makes for a rather dull honeymoon, don't you think?

Stupid People in General

This is not what getting more iron in your diet actually means.

"Drink driving" is very, very bad...

Lazy people need jobs too.

Posted by Red :: 8:46 AM :: |
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