The Odd Wife

Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Enjoy Your Turkey, Turkies!

TOW and TEH will be on hiatus for the holiday, returning to you Monday, November 29th. If anything fascinating develops, we will save it up and fill you in then.

I'm ecstatic about having 4 days to spend with my loved ones. Sleeping late, lots of cuddling, lots of naked fun...lots of leftovers! (Although I will have to insist on keeping the naked fun and the leftovers separate because...well, ew.)

I've got a damned good feeling about the next few days. And after reading TEH's post...well, I can't wait to get home to that man today!

Did I mention last night? I worked so late because of my heavy workload. He showed up with daughter in tow and hung out to wait for me. They played on the computer and were perfectly patient while I worked for another 2 hours.

When we got home, I was drained. TEH cooked dinner, demanding I lay down and relax and served me a meal. I felt guilty relaxing while he cooked, but - I know that's silly because I cook every night and serve him! It doesn't matter, the gesture warmed my heart.

I'm a lucky, lucky girl.

Happy Thanksgiving!!!

Posted by Red :: 4:01 PM :: |
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